Easy Read application guidelines

This page has information about our scratch nights. We have also included some guidelines to follow that will help you fill out your application. If you have any questions about anything on this page, you can get in touch with us using the contact form on our website and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

This is a what will be on this page:

  1. What is a scratch night?

  2. What we will give you

  3. When to apply

  4. Who can apply?

  5. What ideas are we looking for?

  6. What happens if we pick your idea?

1. What is a scratch night?

Scratch nights are shows where people who make theatre can share parts of new plays that they are making. 

Scratch nights let people try new ideas and find out what the audience thinks about them. Hearing what the audience thinks helps people to make their ideas better.

  • A place to share your idea
    You can share your idea at one of our Scratch Night shows. This will happen in either June or July. You will have between 5 and 20 minutes to share your idea.

2. What are we offering to artists?

If we pick your idea we will give you four things:

  • Money
    We will pay you £120 to share your idea.
    This amount is the minimum wage chosen by the performers union, Equity.

    Minimum wage is the smallest amount of money that is fair to pay people for their work.

    A union is a group of people who do similar jobs. People in a union agree to work together to ask employers for the things they need. Those things include money, safe places to work in, and help with legal problems.
    Because you will share your idea as a performance, the amount of money you will be paid is decided by Equity. Equity is the performers union.

  • Feedback
    We will get feedback from the people who watch the idea you share.
    Feedback is what people think about your idea.
    We will find out what the audience like about your idea and what they don’t like. Knowing what people like and don’t like will help you to change the way you share your idea so that more people like it.

    Feedback can feel scary sometimes. We do not know what people will say about our work or about us. If we pick your idea, we will help you to decide what questions to ask people.

    You do not have to speak to people if you don’t want to. We can do that for you.

    We will make sure you can understand what people say about your idea. We will do our best to make feedback less scary.

  • Help from experts
    Blindspot Nights is run by a team of people who work in theatre. They will spend 4 hours helping you with your work in theatre. It is up to you how to use your time with the team.
    They can help you try to find more money to spend on your idea, or help you to get your idea ready to share. If you don’t know what you need, the team can help you to decide.

3. When to apply

At the moment you can apply to share an idea in June or July. You will need to apply by 20th May. In your application, which month you would prefer.

If you can’t apply by 20th May, there will be another chance to apply starting on June 19th 2024.

4. Who can apply?

We started Blindspot Nights to help people who don’t have very much money. We say that these people are working class or under class.

Working class people don’t have much money because they are not paid a fair amount of money for the jobs they do.
Most working class people also grew up without much money. They are from families who were  not paid a fair amount of money for their jobs.

Under class people don’t have much money because they are not able to get jobs.
There are lots of reasons why people are not able to get jobs.
Most under class people have to get money from the government to pay for things like food, rent, and bills. The government will only give people very small amounts of money.

Working class and under class people may not have enough money to pay for all the things they need, like food, electricity, and a place to live. They might worry a lot about whether they will be able to pay for things right now or in the future. They do not have ways of getting more money in an emergency.

People who are not working class or under class are able to pay for everything they need to live. They have more money than they need, which means they are able to save money for later. In an emergency they can use the money they have saved. They might also be able to get money from other places, like their friends or family.

Working class and under class people are treated unfairly because they don’t have much money. They are less likely to get a good education, and people are less likely to give them jobs.

It is hard for working class and underclass people to work in theatre. Jobs for people who are new to theatre are often unpaid. Because working class and under class people have less money than they need, they can’t do jobs that don’t give them money.
The team at Blindspot Nights know that this is not fair. We are helping people who are working class and under class to try and make things more fair.

5. What ideas are we looking for?

When you apply, we will ask you to tell us about the idea you want to share. Your idea should be for a performance that will be put on in a theatre. We are looking for lots of different ideas, but there are some rules.

  • New
    Your idea has to be new. This means you can’t tell us about ideas that have already been performed. It’s OK to send us an idea for a performance you haven’t made yet. You will need to think about your idea enough to explain it properly when you apply.

  • Number of people
    No more than 5 people can be part of your performance team. That includes people who help make the performance but are not on stage: for example, a writer or director.
    This is because we need to pay everyone fairly. We do not have enough money to pay more than 5 people to help with your performance.

  • Size
    The stage we have ready for your performance is small. There is no space for sets or costume changes. We can’t pick ideas that need lots of space to move around in.

  • Length
    Your performance must be longer than 5 minutes and shorter than 20 minutes. If your idea is for a longer performance, you can choose part of it to share.

6. What happens if we pick your idea?

We will send you an email to let you know whether we have picked your idea. You should make sure the email address you put on your application form is correct, otherwise we may not be able to contact you.

If we don’t pick your idea, you will not be able to share your idea at an event with us. We will tell you what we liked and disliked about your idea and explain why we have said no.

If we do pick your idea, we will give you a date to share it. If you are still happy to share your idea and you are able to attend the date we give you, we will send you a contract.
A contract is a letter that explains what you are agreeing to. We will make sure you properly understand your contract before you sign it.

Once you sign your contract, we will ask you what help you would like from the Blindspot Nights team. We will also ask about your access needs, and make a plan to make sure you have everything you need.

You will have either 4 or 8 weeks to get your idea ready to perform. You might use this time to write a script or find actors to perform with you. We will help you make a plan to get your idea ready. We can help you if you need to find actors or space to rehearse.

When you feel ready to apply, you can click the button at the bottom of this page. This will take you to our Easy Read application form.